Universal Networking Language:Advances in Theory and Applications
Jesús Cardeñosa, Alexander Gelbukh, Edmundo Tovar (Eds.)
Special issue of Research on Computing Science, ISSN 1665-9899.
IPN, 2005, 443 pp.ISBN 970-36-0226-6
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Among other papers, the book contains several selected papers from CICLing-2005 UNL Workshop.
Abstract: Universal Networking Language (UNL) is an interlingua-based framework aimed to facilitate semantic processing of natural language by a computer. Its main applications cover not only in machine translation and other natural language processing tasks, but also in a wide variety of applications ranging from e learning platforms to management of multilingual document bases. Such a variety of applications, their theoretical basis and subsequent methodological inquiries are at core of this volume. The UNL initiative is a research project supported by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of the United Nations University. It currently supports 15 languages. This volume compiles the most significant research papers on UNL and illustrates all open lines of research within the UNL initiative. It includes a detailed introduction in the topic and research papers devoted to fundamentals, applications, and methodologies of the UNL research. The volume is useful for UNL experts as well as for researchers and students in natural language processing, computational linguistics, and related areas.
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